News & Comment

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  • Weather events make the news but shouldn't be confused with climate change impacts.

  • Ascribing violence to extreme weather and climate change risks anchoring a modern form of environmental determinism.

    • Clionadh Raleigh
    • Andrew Linke
    • John O'Loughlin
  • A more democratic world, and a world that responds effectively to the challenges of climate change, are common aims of the international community. But are they mutually compatible?

    • Anna Petherick
  • Increasing use of regionally and globally oriented impacts studies, coordinated across international modelling groups, promises to bring about a new era in climate impacts research. Coordinated cycles of model improvement and projection are needed to make the most of this potential.

    • Andy Challinor
    • Pierre Martre
    • Frank Ewert
  • Mandatory buildings disclosure in the United States opens the door to improved energy performance. Other countries could follow suit, explains Elisabeth Jeffries.

    • Elisabeth Jeffries
    News Feature