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  • The unexpected swell of action, sparked by a Swedish teenager, has put climate change back on the political radar. With time on their side, youth will experience longer term climate change impacts more than those in decision making positions, meaning they want a say in their future.

  • Men and women differ in their perceptions of environmental risk, vulnerability to climate change impacts and adaptation behaviour. Effective policies must address the diversity of gender roles and identities, and the underlying drivers of inequality.

  • Food links human health with that of our environment. Changes to eating habits are urgently needed if we are to achieve the Paris Agreement goals — changes that will also address the leading causes of ill health in the world today.

  • Global emissions rose in 2018 with the USA increasing its emissions after three years of decline. Understanding the contributing factors is not enough — action at all scales is needed.

  • To achieve the Paris climate goals, the private sector and sub-national governments need to fill the void left by unambitious national government efforts.

  • Nature Climate Change will now ask reviewers if they can be named on the published paper they reviewed.

  • The impacts of climate change were again increasingly apparent and the future was emphasized in the IPCC Special Report, yet political change is still lagging.

  • Global snow coverage has declined substantially with anthropogenic warming, impacting biological, socio-economic and physical systems. This issue includes a suite of Comments, Reviews, Perspectives and original research documenting the importance of snow in the climate system, and how this may change with continued warming.

  • Adjustments in the timing of seasonal events can seem like a relatively subtle impact of climate change, but one with potentially large ramifications for the health of ecosystems and the services they provide.

  • Bringing different voices to peer review will benefit research, but it is not a simple task.

  • It is increasingly clear that achieving the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to well below 2 °C will require radical decarbonization, the prospects of which have become closely tied to carbon pricing.

  • The high points of collective ambition and achievement reached in Paris need nurturing to ensure results. Maintaining momentum in climate action requires investment and ongoing commitment from all actors.

  • Evidence synthesis is increasingly valuable for a rapidly growing body of literature. We encourage authors to embrace available guidance and reporting standards to maximize the scientific value and broader utility of their work.

  • Drought and heatwaves are inextricably linked, and have devastating socio-economic and environmental impacts. This issue features a suite of articles outlining how these extreme events may increase in magnitude and frequency with anthropogenic warming, highlighting the increased need to mitigate and adapt to future conditions.

  • The health impacts of climate change are being increasingly recognized, but mental health is often excluded from this discussion. In this issue we feature a collection of articles on climate change and mental health that highlight important directions for future research.

  • Updated editorial policies and reporting initiatives aim to improve transparency and reproducibility for published papers.

  • The ocean is a food source to many and provides ecosystem services for the planet. Scientific understanding is required to help society address numerous threats facing this global common.

  • The fashion industry has changed rapidly in recent years with the increased prevalence of fast fashion, impacting the environment. Efforts to green this polluting industry require action from businesses and consumers.

  • After years of working towards a climate accord, the Paris Agreement of 2015 marked the shift from negotiating to reach consensus on climate action to implementation of such action. The challenge now is to ensure transparency in the processes and identify the details of what is required.

  • The 2017 wildfire season has seen unusually high fire levels in many parts of the world, with extensive and severe fires occurring in Chile, the Mediterranean, Russia, the US, Canada and even Greenland. Is this a sign of things to come?
