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  • Scientists need to devote more attention to the citation lists of scientific papers—the connectivity and usefulness of the scientific literature depend upon it.

  • Nature Chemical Biology has a new look, with more online features to facilitate the communication of chemical biology discoveries.

  • The third Nature Chemical Biology symposium brought together nearly 200 scientists to explore the frontiers of chemical biology and drug discovery.

  • Understanding how proteins function in isolation and in their native context requires a merging of molecular-level techniques that explore the interplay of protein structure and dynamics.

  • New policies refine the responsibilities of authors and require author contribution statements in Nature Chemical Biology research papers.

  • How do we foster open scientific dialog in the digital age while respecting the integrity of the scientific process?

  • Building on a century of enzymology research and new genome-wide insights into enzyme families, increased interdisciplinary communication and a broad vision will advance our understanding of biological catalysts and enhance our ability to manipulate them.

  • Identifying and increasing access to the highest quality chemical probes will ensure their prominent position in the biological and drug discovery toolboxes.

  • Mechanisms are needed to initiate, develop and support emerging research communities that cross traditional scientific and geographic boundaries.

  • Enhanced crosstalk between plant and chemical biologists will lead to major advances in our molecular understanding of plant biology.

  • With a new administration and pending increases in scientific funding, chemical biologists in the United States have an unprecedented opportunity to influence the national scientific agenda.

  • Providers and users of chemical libraries must adopt quality and reporting standards to advance the impact of small-molecule high-throughput screening.

  • We offer some guidelines and tips for submitting your work to Nature Chemical Biology.

  • As we enter our fifth year of publication, Nature Chemical Biology offers new content and functionality for the chemical biology community.

  • How do we select papers for publication in Nature Chemical Biology?

  • Closer interactions between chemical biology and systems biology have the potential to provide a more integrated understanding of how biology functions.

  • 'Data not shown' is an outdated caveat that obscures the transparency of a scientific report and weakens the peer review process.

  • Enhanced funding support and increased engagement of chemical biologists in the funding process are essential for the advancement of the field.

  • Considering common definitions and mechanisms of cooperative behavior may lead to new insights into chemical and biological function.

  • The retraction of a Nature Chemical Biology paper is a step toward a full accounting of a case of scientific misconduct.
