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    Nature Chemistry is now five years old! To celebrate, we look at some facts and figures relating to the manuscripts that have passed through our hands — including information about how many submissions we have received and where they came from, our referee pool, the authors and titles of published papers, as well as some citation data. Each editor has also picked out one of their favourite papers and explains why it stood out for them.

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    Understanding how the simple molecules present on the early Earth may have given rise to the complex systems and processes of contemporary biology is widely regarded as one of chemistry's great unsolved questions. A collection of articles in this focus highlight some of the latest research in this area, including work that supports the RNA-world hypothesis.

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    Reaction methodologies that can selectively target one reactive site among many that are functionally similar within a complex molecule could significantly improve synthetic efficiency and help in the identification of new drug leads. A collection of articles in this focus highlight some of the latest advances in this area, explaining the complementary approaches taken by researchers to this challenge.

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    Photosensitive metal complexes that are able to bind to DNA duplexes hold promise for diagnostic and therapeutic applications — but the precise details of how they interact with DNA need to be better understood. A collection of articles in this focus highlight some of the latest advances in elucidating their binding modes as well as challenges associated with this area of research.

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    The past decade has seen a debate grow on the possibility that the motions of enzymes could influence the contribution that quantum mechanical tunnelling makes to their activity. In this focus we highlight differing views on the significance that structural dynamics has on the reactivity of enzymes.

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    April 2010 marks the first anniversary of the launch of Nature Chemistry. To celebrate, we have put together a compilation of our favourite articles from the first 12 issues. The selection, which is free until the end of June 2010, reflects the breadth of topics covered byNature Chemistry. We hope you enjoy it.