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    Long a home of cheap electronics manufacturing, the island of Taiwan is turning to research and technology to become a high-tech maker of goods.

    Image: HuanPhoto/Shutterstock
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    Nature speaks to scientists in Peru about the issues that science in the country has had in funding and education, and the promise of what it has yet to offer researchers – both those from Latin America and further afield.

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    How large national and international neuroscience programmes are creating new career opportunities for scientists of all disciplines.

    Image: Allen Institute
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    Despite obstacles, such as an ongoing trade war with the United States, Chinese researchers are working to ensure they can collaborate internationally.

    Image: Dong Wenjie/Getty Images
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    Nature meets five scientists working in non-Western nations making the most out of the resources available to them.

    Image: Weerakarn Satitniramai/Getty Images
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    Canada’s scientists are learning politics.

    Image: intuilapse/iStock/Getty
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    From examining the longevity of naked mole rats to manipulating microbubbles with drugs and magnets, to keeping mice up past their bedtimes. Here’s how researchers are finding new ways to treat cancer.

    Image: David Parkins
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    China produced more than twice as many materials science papers than the next most-prolific country, the United States, in 2017.

    Image: Xuanyu Han/Getty
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    A host of the world’s richest people are partially responsible for the state of Washington’s rise as a leader in global public health research.

    Image: Marcin Wolski
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    India’s pharmaceutical sector has long been dominated by major generics manufacturers.

    Image: f9photos/iStock /Getty Images
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    Terminology and concepts from computer science and engineering are becoming more common in biology labs as scientists re-engineer the activity of cells for specific applications.

    Image: David Parkins
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    How science supports São Paulo. Brazil’s richest state has a long history of applied research.