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    The field of immunoengineering is progressing at high speed, and materials science greatly contributes to this progress by providing smart and controllable tools for immunotherapy with the aim to improve clinical outcomes.

    Image: Lauren V. Robinson/Carl Conway
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    Synchrotron radiation provides insight into the structure and properties of diverse materials. In this issue, our collection of articles examines the role of synchrotron techniques in materials characterization, including understanding intrinsic properties and elucidating structure–property relationships for the improved performance of these materials.

    Image: Lauren V. Robinson
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    The field of soft robotics aims to develop soft, compliant robots to interact with humans or to perform autonomous tasks. In this issue, our collection of articles looks in depth at bioinspired and other design concepts, soft materials, fabrication techniques, biomedical applications and the future challenges.

    Image: Lori K. Sanders, Michael Wehner, Ryan L. Truby
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    In this Focus Issue, we explore the field of 2D materials with articles on their synthesis, fundamental properties, and the devices they enable. The challenges facing the commercialization of 2D materials, their adoption in biomedicine and other application areas are also discussed.