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  • On the 70th anniversary of Alan Turing’s seminal paper on morphogenesis, we look back at the history of the paper and its many applications.

  • We highlight how this year’s awardees from some of the most important prizes in mathematics have had an impact in the computational science community.

  • Data science studies have provided evidence that regulating gun ownership can save lives. However, US lawmakers still fail to follow the science.

  • The 2021 A. M. Turing Award celebrates Jack Dongarra’s contributions in high-performance computing, which have had a significant impact in computational science.

  • We provide some guidelines on how to write a constructive review for Nature Computational Science.

  • We highlight some of our favorite cover suggestions, submitted by authors last year, that were not ultimately selected for the journal.

  • On our one-year anniversary at Nature Computational Science, we discuss some of the research that we published over the course of the last year.

  • A special prize for outstanding research in high-performance computing (HPC) applied to COVID-19-related challenges sheds light on the computational science community’s efforts to fight the ongoing global crisis.

  • This month at Nature Computational Science, we welcome a new member to our team. We would like to take this opportunity to briefly describe who we are and what our main responsibilities entail.

  • We discuss the role of computational science as a multidisciplinary field and our editorial practices to promote communication and research across different disciplines.

  • While it is crucial to guarantee the reproducibility of the results reported in a paper, let us also not forget about the importance of making research artifacts reusable for the scientific community.

  • The shift to virtual meetings has made networking harder, but it has also brought forth benefits to the scientific community that should be embraced moving forward.

  • How do editors at Nature Computational Science evaluate papers before deciding on whether to send them out to peer review?

  • Software is essential to computational science research, and yet it hasn’t achieved first-class status when it comes to citations. It’s time for all of us in the research community to change this behavior.
