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  • A predominance of small grains (tens of nanometres in size) over larger grains and the corresponding near- to mid-infrared excess radiation from H ii regions around massive stars and supernovae has been difficult to explain. Hoang et al. propose a radiative torque disruption method for large dust grains that fits with the observational constraints.

    • Thiem Hoang
    • Le Ngoc Tram
    • Sang-Hyeon Ahn
  • A principal component analysis of Cassini’s infrared spectral maps of Titan reveals the main features of Titan’s equatorial surface, effectively removing the obscuring atmospheric effects. A 6,300-kilometre-long strip of exposed icy bedrock—uncorrelated with topography or measurements of the subsurface—is visible, surrounded by organic deposits.

    • Caitlin A. Griffith
    • Paulo F. Penteado
    • Rosaly M. C. Lopes
  • Bathymetric radar measurements of several lacustrine features on Titan’s northern polar region were obtained during the last Cassini flyby in April 2017. These 100-m-deep and methane-dominated lakes are probably carved and replenished by local rainfall and regulated by subsurface flows.

    • M. Mastrogiuseppe
    • V. Poggiali
    • R. D. Lorenz
  • The composition and characteristics of a C-rich clast within the LaPaz Icefield 02342 meteorite suggests that the clast is composed of materials related to comets and icy bodies. The clast probably formed in the outer Solar System, was transported inward and finally accreted into LaPaz’s parent body.

    • Larry R. Nittler
    • Rhonda M. Stroud
    • Safoura Tanbakouei
  • Low-mass, low-metallicity cool subdwarf stars are rare in the solar neighbourhood, and therefore their properties are not well constrained observationally. Here the authors report both a mass and radius determination of a cool subdwarf in an eclipsing binary system, providing a valuable data point.

    • Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas
    • Steven G. Parsons
    • Santiago Torres
  • A coupled thermal, geophysical and dynamical simulation covering 4.5 Gyr of evolution of Saturn’s inner mid-sized moons shows that, with the possible exception of Mimas, they formed early in Saturn’s history. A complex game of resonances has impacted the four older moons, shaping their geology and interior.

    • Marc Neveu
    • Alyssa R. Rhoden
  • By conducting chemical reactions involving a single pair of reactants within helium nanodroplets, Henning and Krasnokutski have measured the energetics of simple reactions relevant to astrochemistry. This approach allows the reaction pathways of surface reactions to be predicted with more accuracy than before.

    • Thomas K. Henning
    • Serge A. Krasnokutski
  • Ultracompact stellar clusters in the Galactic Centre are likely to be major contributors to the Galactic cosmic ray flux in the multi-TeV energy range. Observations of the diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Galactic Centre and two young massive star clusters correlate with the cosmic-ray distribution.

    • Felix Aharonian
    • Ruizhi Yang
    • Emma de Oña Wilhelmi
  • Signatures of phyllosilicate-like hydrated minerals are widespread on Bennu’s surface, indicating significant aqueous alteration. The lack of spatial variations in the spectra down to the scale of ~100 m indicates both a relatively uniform particle size distribution and a lack of compositional segregation, possibly due to surficial redistribution processes.

    • V. E. Hamilton
    • A. A. Simon
    • B. Marty
  • The iodine–xenon record in meteorites can be used to probe late-time processes within the Solar System, during the dissipation of its debris disk. Most primitive meteorites were processed and heated by impacts during this ~50 Myr period, rather than by the decay of 26Al.

    • Jamie D. Gilmour
    • Michal J. Filtness
  • LOFAR radio observations, complemented by ultraviolet and visible light images, of the powerful class-X8.2 solar flare of 10 September 2017 pinpoint the location of multiple shock signatures of electron beams (herringbones) along the expanding coronal mass ejection.

    • Diana E. Morosan
    • Eoin P. Carley
    • Peter T. Gallagher
  • Blue supergiant stars (BSGs) can undergo core collapse, resulting in a type II supernova explosion. Here, Tobias Fischer et al. identify a novel phase transition from nuclear matter to a quark–gluon plasma for particularly massive BSGs (>50 M) that explains their explosion.

    • Tobias Fischer
    • Niels-Uwe F. Bastian
    • David B. Blaschke