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  • Oceans and cryosphere are immediately affected by human-induced climate change. Our Editorial Board members present viewpoints on the most pressing and fruitful avenues of research on frozen and liquid water, and the transition from one to the other.

    • Annie Bourbonnais
    • Sze Ling Ho
    • Mark Altabet
    CommentOpen Access
  • Processes within the Earth shape and influence the surface environment and the emergence and evolution of life. Our Editorial board members outline recent advances and future directions in our attempt to understand the history of our planet and its environment.

    • João C. Duarte
    • Mojtaba Fakhraee
    • Claire I. O. Nichols
    CommentOpen Access
  • The ocean is mitigating global warming by absorbing large amounts of excess carbon dioxide from human activities. To quantify and monitor the ocean carbon sink, we need a state-of-the-art data resource that makes data submission and retrieval machine-compatible and efficient.

    • Toste Tanhua
    • Siv K. Lauvset
    • Robert M. Key
    CommentOpen Access
  • Over the past 20 years, the proportion of US geoscience undergraduate degree recipients from marginalized racial groups has increased about threefold, more than for graduate degrees. Much of this progress currently is concentrated at relatively few universities.

    • Rachel J. Beane
    • Eric M. D. Baer
    • Lisa D. White
    CommentOpen Access
  • Perceived risks from carbon dioxide removal have led to calls for net zero targets to be split into separate goals for removals and emissions. A better approach is to accompany net targets with ambitious near-term action, disclose measures to achieve them and closely monitor and manage carbon sinks.

    • Stephen M. Smith
    CommentOpen Access
  • Water levels in inland seas and lakes globally will drop, often dramatically, over the 21st century in response to climate change. Based on the case of the Caspian Sea, we argue for a concerted campaign to raise awareness of threats to people, biodiversity and geopolitical stability.

    • Matthias Prange
    • Thomas Wilke
    • Frank P. Wesselingh
    CommentOpen Access
  • Responses to the COVID-19 emergency have exposed break-points at the interface of science, media, and policy. We summarize five lessons that should be heeded if climate change ever enters a state of emergency perceived to warrant stratospheric aerosol injection.

    • Holly Buck
    • Oliver Geden
    • Olaf Corry
    CommentOpen Access