
Advances in solar energy conversion and its applications

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Due to its ubiquitous availability and inexhaustibility, solar energy is regarded as one of the most promising clean renewable energy sources in the run to achieve carbon neutrality and energy security. Over the last years, photovoltaic cells capable of converting solar energy into other forms of energy have become increasingly popular, with applications ranging from heating and electricity generation, to water treatment, and others. The production of these systems, however, is still costly and harmful to the surrounding environment, which has hindered their widespread utilisation. More recently, alternative systems capable of overcoming some of these constrains, such as perovskite solar cells, have been gaining attention, but issues with efficiency and stability persist.

This Collection aims to provide resources towards a global access to clean solar energy and invites original research on recent advances in solar energy conversion systems and materials, as well as innovative applications in diverse aspects of communities’ daily life.

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 7.

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photovoltaic panels


  • Saquib Ahmed

    Buffalo State University, USA

  • Lioz Etgar

    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Feng Yan

    Arizona State University, USA

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