
Stem cells from development to the clinic

Advances in technologies that help to characterize stem cells, including genetic and epigenetic properties and lineage trajectories, have increased our knowledge about their physiological roles and contributions to development, ageing, regeneration and disease. Stem cells, and cells differentiated from them, are now used in vitro and in vivo in a variety of applications, such as disease modelling, drug screening and for transplantations.

This collection of research articles, reviews, perspectives and protocols from across the Nature journals covers both basic and translational research and highlights the variety of topics studied in the past year. 

Several research articles, protocols and reviews have been made free-to-access for a month and are ranked first. Many other articles published by our open access journals will remain permanently free-to-view.  For ease of use, we have subdivided our content into 4 categories:

M​eet the editors

Please follow this link to learn about the editors who have curated the content of this Collection and are interested in receiving submissions in this area. 

The following editors will be attending the virtual ISSCR 2020 annual meeting. Please feel free to reach out to them directly using the indicated email address.