
Bioengineering for Advanced Food Processing

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As the challenge of feeding the rapidly growing global population becomes more pressing, it is imperative to find ways to supply high-quality food in a sustainable and efficient manner. Bioengineering technology has emerged as a game-changer in the food and byproduct processing industry, with tremendous potential to enable the production of safe and nutritious foods with minimal environmental impact and high efficiency. Particularly, bioengineering technology opens up avenues for developing advanced production processes to extend the shelf life and enhance the functionality of a wide range of foods. In these processes, raw materials can be utilized with maximum efficiency, and the generated byproducts can be repurposed for biomaterials, working towards the goal of zero waste. Recently, remarkable progress has been made in deploying bioengineering technology in different stages of food processing, from food production to byproduct processing. This Collection is dedicated to communicating the latest research on advancing food processing by leveraging bioengineering technology, from metabolic and biosynthesis engineering to byproduct-to-biomaterials conversion.

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Tomato being genetically modified


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