Sir, re E. O'Selmo, V. Collin, P. Whitehead. Associates and their working environment: A comparison of corporate and non-corporate associates. Br Dent J 2018; 225: 425–430.

According to the 'Standards for the Dental Team',1 there are nine core ethical principles a GDC-registered dental professional must keep to at all times.

Given the findings by O'Selmo et al. (BDJ 2018; 225: 425–430) that non-corporate associates reported a significantly greater level of autonomy and a greater ability to make workplace and clinical decisions, corporate associates will risk failing to uphold a number of these GDC principles.

For example, to put patients' interests first (Principle 1), to work with colleagues in a way that is in patients' best interests (Principle 6) and to be able to maintain the patients' confidence in the dentist and the dental profession (Principle 9).

Clearly, it is time the business practices and operations of dental corporates deserve further investigation, in depth debate and a wider audience, both dental and the public.