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Structural insights into assembly and function of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex


SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers modify the position and spacing of nucleosomes and, in humans, are linked to cancer. To provide insights into the assembly and regulation of this protein family, we focused on a subcomplex of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RSC comprising its ATPase (Sth1), the essential actin-related proteins (ARPs) Arp7 and Arp9 and the ARP-binding protein Rtt102. Cryo-EM and biochemical analyses of this subcomplex shows that ARP binding induces a helical conformation in the helicase-SANT–associated (HSA) domain of Sth1. Surprisingly, the ARP module is rotated 120° relative to the full RSC about a pivot point previously identified as a regulatory hub in Sth1, suggesting that large conformational changes are part of Sth1 regulation and RSC assembly. We also show that a conserved interaction between Sth1 and the nucleosome acidic patch enhances remodeling. As some cancer-associated mutations dysregulate rather than inactivate SWI/SNF remodelers, our insights into RSC complex regulation advance a mechanistic understanding of chromatin remodeling in disease states.

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Fig. 1: Cryo-EM structure of the Sth1−Arp7−Arp9−Rtt102 RSC subcomplex (RSCSAR) bound to a nucleosome.
Fig. 2: The structure of the HSA–postHSA–P1 regulatory hub changes in the presence of the ARPs.
Fig. 3: Binding of the ARP module induces folding of the HSA helix.
Fig. 4: RSCSAR peels off nucleosomal DNA at the exit site.
Fig. 5: A basic stretch in Sth1 binds to the nucleosome acidic patch.
Fig. 6: Mutations in a basic region of Sth1 disrupt nucleosome remodeling.
Fig. 7: The ARP module: assembly and regulatory role in the RSC complex.

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Data availability

The cryo-EM maps for apo RSCSAR (Sth1HSA–Arp7–Arp9–Rtt102 model) are deposited in the EMDB as EMD-21489 and molecular models are deposited in the wwPDB as PDB 6VZG. The cryo-EM maps for RSCSAR bound to the nucleosome in the presence of ADP BeF3 are deposited in the EMDB as EMD-21484 and molecular models are deposited in the wwPDB as PDB 6VZ4. The cryo-EM maps of RSCSAR bound to the nucleosome in the presence of ADP-BeF3 with a peeled DNA conformation are deposited in the EMDB as EMD-21493. Unsharpened, sharpened and half maps were deposited for each EMDB entry.


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We thank the UC San Diego Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility, which was supported in part by NIH grants to T. Baker and a gift from the Agouron Institute to UCSD and the UC San Diego Physics Computing Facility for IT support. R.W.B. is a Damon Runyon fellow supported by the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (DRG-2285-16). J.M.R. is a Merck fellow of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (DRG-2370-19). B.T. is an American Heart Association pre-doctoral fellow (14PRE19970011). This work was funded by National Institutes of Health grants R01 GM092895 (A.E.L.), R01 GM073791 (R.D.) and T32 AR053461 (P.J.C.).

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Authors and Affiliations



R.W.B., J.M.R., P.J.C. and B.T. performed all of the protein production and purification. R.W.B. performed cryo-EM data collection, analysis and model building. J.M.R. performed nucleosome remodeling assays. T.A. performed CD experiments and analyzed CD data. A.E.L. and R.D. supervised the structural and biochemical work. All authors participated in writing and editing the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Andres E. Leschziner.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Cryo-EM structure determination of the Sth1-Arp7-Arp9-Rtt102 RSC subcomplex (RSCSAR).

a, Workflow for cryo-EM data acquisition and structure determination. Our processing only revealed density for the ARP module. b, Schematic for model building using Coot and Rosetta. Chains from PDB 5TGC and PDB 4I6M were used as a starting model. c, The top 10 Rosetta models were deposited as PDB 6VZG and the top model is shown with its ribbon thickness and color indicating the RMSD among all 10 models. d, The ARP module form SWI/SNF (left) has a single, unbroken α-helix for the HSA domain while that of RSC (right) comprises two α-helices separated by a loop. e, Our cryo-EM has density for a known ATP binding site in Arp7. This site is catalytically dead and the ATP is likely from endogenous ATP pools.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Cryo-EM structure determination of RSCSAR bound to the nucleosome.

a, Workflow for cryo-EM data acquisition and structure determination. b, 3D classification with alignment was used to find ~300,000 particles with better ARP module density. This dataset reached a final global FSC resolution of ~3.9 Å with a local resolution range of 3.4-15 Å. c, Partial signal subtraction followed by 3D classification without alignment was used to identify a sub-set of particles with an alternate DNA conformation at the nucleosome DNA exit site.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Multi-body refinement of RSCSAR bound to the nucleosome in the ADP-BeF3 state.

a, The consensus refinement of RSCSAR-nucleosome from Extended Data Fig. 2b was used to generate 3 masks and as a starting model for multi-body refinement. b, PCA was performed in Relion-3 and used to generate maps that show the conformational heterogeneity present in our data set. Several of these maps are shown overlaid. c, Eigenvalue plots for the top three eigenvectors. d, The maps generated in panel (b) were used to build PDB models. 10 models for each eigenvector were generated and are shown superimposed. The main sources of heterogeneity in our data set are a rocking of the ATPase domain (eigenvector 1) and rocking of the ARP module along two different axes (eigenvector 2 and 3).

Extended Data Fig. 4 Model building of RSCSAR-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3) and comparison with Snf2-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3).

a, Model building schematic for RSCSAR-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3). Snf2-nucleosome (PDB 5Z3U) and the T. thermophilus Snf2 crystal structure (PDB 5HZR) were used as a starting point for model building and refinement using Coot, Rosetta, and phenix.real_space_refine. The ARP module built in Extended Data Fig. 1 was rigid-body docked into the map, yielding a near-complete model for all components in our sample. b, PDB 5Z3U is shown docked into our cryo-EM map. c, The same view as in panel (b) but showing Sth1-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3). d, The top Rosetta model is shown with its ribbon thickness and color indicating the RMSD among the top 10 models. e, The RSCSAR-nucleosome structure is shown with the HSA and postHSA domains of Sth1 colored in a rainbow from N to C terminus. Residues 385-391 are shown as a cylinder to signal the linkage between the two domains and indicate that the density is compatible with an alpha helix, although this region is not included in the deposited.

Extended Data Fig. 5 The ARP module of RSC only interacts with the HSA domain of Sth1.

a, Our model of RSCSAR-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3). b, Model of RSC-nucleosome (PDB 6KW3) shown in the same orientation as panel (a) (left) and rotated 90° (right). The ARP module only interacts with the HSA domain in both RSC and RSCSAR. c, Multiple RSC-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3) cryo-EM structures were aligned. Left, all components shown and colored using the same convention. Right, Arp7–Arp9–Rtt102 and all components of the SRC are omitted to highlight the conformational flexibility of the Sth1 HSA domain (orange) among the three structures. The HSA domain from RSCSAR is included in this panel to indicate that, despite their conformational flexibility, the HSA domains from the three RSC-nucleosome structures have a similar general orientation relative to the HSA from RSCSAR.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Comparison of the nucleosome-bound ATPase domain of Snf2, RSC, and RSCSAR in the ADP-BeF3 nucleotide state.

a, The PDB models for Snf2, RSCSAR, and RSC are shown with the same orientation and domain coloring. All three structures are from S.cerevisae, bound to the nucleosome and in the ADP-BeF3 nucleotide state. b-d, The ATPase domain of each structure from (a) was docked into the cryo-EM map of RSCSAR. The postHSA domain (b), Protrusion 1 domain (c), and Brace Helices (d) were colored according to their respective PDB model in each panel. Cyan: RSCSAR, magenta: RSC (PDB 6KW3), orange: Snf2 (PDB 5Z3U).

Extended Data Fig. 7 Comparison of cryo-EM maps of Snf2-nucleosome in the apo, ADP, and ADP-BeF3 states and RSCSAR-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3).

Each structure is shown with cryo-EM map and corresponding PDB model. All structures are bound to the nucleosome but this region is omitted for clarity. The same map at the same contour level is shown opaque (top) and transparent (bottom). Note that density for the Brace Helix I is absent in the ADP-BeF3 state but present in the apo and ADP-bound states.

Extended Data Fig. 8 Structural comparison of the ATPase domain of SWI/SNF remodelers in the apo, ADP, and ADP-BeF3 nucleotide states.

a, Domain schematic of Sth1 from RSCSAR. b, Structural alignment of the ATPase domain of Snf2 apo with Snf2-ADP (left), Snf2-ADP-BeF3 (middle), and RSCSAR- BeF3 (right). All structures are colored using the domain convention shown in (a). c, All structures from (b) are aligned and colored grey, except for the Brace Helices which are colored by model: Snf2 apo, pink; Snf2 ADP, purple; Snf2 ADP-BeF3, tan; RSCSAR ADP-BeF3, yellow. PDB codes for structures shown: Snf2 apo (5X0Y), ADP (5Z3O), ADP-BeF3 (5Z3U).

Extended Data Fig. 9 Conformation of the nucleosomal DNA in the cryo-EM structure of RSCSAR-nucleosome (ADP-BeF3).

a, The models of Snf2 (PDB 5Z3U) and RSCSAR were aligned. A ribbon representation of the nucleosomal DNA is shown for Snf2 (grey) and Sth1 (colored by SHL). Super Helical Locations for the aligned models are shown inside the cryo-EM density of RSCSAR. b, RSCSAR with a canonical conformation of the nucleosome. Top panel shows map and model from the initial 3.9 Å consensus refinement (Extended Data Fig. 2b). The nucleosomal DNA is colored purple and basic residues in the N-lobe are colored blue. c, RSCSAR with a peeled conformation of the nucleosomal DNA exit site. Top panel shows map and model from the 4.3 Å refinement of a subset of particles with a peeled DNA conformation (Extended Data. Fig. 2c). The nucleosomal DNA is colored orange and basic residues in the N-lobe are colored blue. d, Alignment of canonical and peeled DNA structures. Note that basic residues in the N-lobe appear to make contact with the exit site DNA in the peeled conformation. e, SHL6 shifts between the canonical and peeled DNA conformations.

Extended Data Fig. 10 A basic patch in RSCSAR binds to the nucleosome and is important for remodeling.

a, Different maps from the RSCSAR consensus refinement are shown in the same orientation. A region of unassigned density is circled in yellow b, The same maps shown in panel (a) with red indicating regions of the maps that are not accounted for by the PDB model of the nucleosome. c, Schematic of the RSCSAR construct used in nucleosome remodeling assays. Sequences of Sth1 mutants used for remodeling assays are shown below the wild type sequence. Residues mutated in the RSCSAR-L and RSCSAR-R variants are noted (salmon, L; green, R). d, Remodeling assay of wildtype, RSCSAR-All Alanine, RSCSAR-L, and RSCSAR-R mutants. WT data are the same as in Fig. 6b. e, Remodeling assay of wildtype and RSCSAR-R mutant. f, Remodeling assay of wildtype and RSCSAR-L mutant. Error is reported as standard deviation where n=3 replicates.

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Baker, R.W., Reimer, J.M., Carman, P.J. et al. Structural insights into assembly and function of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex. Nat Struct Mol Biol 28, 71–80 (2021).

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