Sir, I read with great interest the letter on recyclable clear aligners published on 11 March 2024.1 While recycling clear aligners seems to be the need of the hour due to the adverse impact on the environment, there are alternatives to recycling, such as using biodegradable aligner sheets. While looking for BPA-free aligner materials and recyclable options, we came across some compostable and completely biodegradable materials. Interestingly, these materials are claimed to be more flexible and stronger than their commercially available counterparts and offer the same clarity levels.2 However, these must be researched to determine whether they are viable alternatives to the currently available plastic aligners.

The major brands have increased their efforts in recycling, but there is such a huge plastic burden on our environment that a lot needs to be done to make a definite change.3 We need to reduce the use of PVS impressions and plastic trays and move to direct printed aligners.4 Many more such areas need to be focused on to help reduce waste from used and unused clear aligners in our environment.