Sir, the current pandemic highlights the need to consider alternative evidence-based treatments that involve no virus-spreading procedures to prevent transmission. For example, non-cavitated dental caries lesions involving up to outer third of dentine can be managed by preventive measures including fissure sealant and proximal sealing, with minimal risk of aerosol production.1 Cavitated shallow to deep carious lesions that do not involve pulp can be managed using selective caries removal and atraumatic restorative treatment (ART), without the use of rotary instruments.2,3 Heavily broken-down teeth can be temporarily restored by using stainless steel crowns with no preparation required.4 Minimally invasive endodontic treatments could be employed for managing pulp involvement.5 Orthodontic treatments are mostly aerosol free procedures and can be carried out as normal or with modifications as appropriate. Manual debridement can achieve similar clinical outcomes compared to aerosol generating ultrasonic instrumentation.6 Rubber-dam should be used where possible. Cotton pellets can be used for drying teeth instead of 3-in-1 air spray.

As governments prepare for a staged return to a new normal, it is imperative that dental societies join forces to develop clear protocols and pathways for evidence-based alternative temporary or definitive treatments with no or reduced risk of viral spread to help manage oral diseases.