
Critical appraisal has been defined as the process of assessing and interpreting evidence by systematically considering its validity, results and relevance to an individual's own clinical work.1 By developing critical appraisal skills, it is envisaged that healthcare workers will become more adept at identifying research articles that are both of a high quality and relevant to their clinical practice. Numerous tools have been published to assist with the process of critical appraisal. The systematic review by Katrak et al2 attempts to identify the most appropriate tool for the appraisal of allied health research. The authors undertake a detailed search and identify 121 different critical appraisal tools. Clear details of much of the review process are presented, however, there are some fundamentals issues left uncovered. Firstly, there is no definition as to what constitutes a critical appraisal tool. Consequently, publications are included in the assessment, which, it could be argued, are not critical appraisal tools. For example, publications such as the QUOROM,3 MOOSE4 and CONSORT5 statements are aimed at improving the reporting of research studies rather than the appraisal of them. Similarly, assessment tools developed for use within a systematic review often focus purely on key issues of internal validity relevant to that particular systematic review; they are not meant to be used to provide a full critical appraisal of individual studies.

The authors categorize the identified tools according to the study design(s) for which they are meant to be used. Eleven criteria are then used to evaluate the component items presented in each tool. Several of the criteria are irrelevant to certain study designs making comparisons across categories of appraisal tools unfair. For example, tools developed for the appraisal of systematic reviews, observational studies and qualitative studies are all assessed for their inclusion of ‘method of randomization’; the study designs themselves preclude randomisation.

Emphasis is placed on those appraisal tools that provide a numeric summary. There has been much debate over the use of such composite scales and it is suggested that the assessment of individual components may be preferable to producing an overall summary score.6

Despite problems in the methodology used, the conclusions of the systematic review2 are probably true; there is no “gold standard” critical appraisal tool. Practitioners wishing to undertake critical appraisal of the research literature may find study design specific tools more useable than generic tools as they are less likely to contain irrelevant items. Several organizations have developed easy-to-use, study design-specific checklists to guide the reader through a research article (eg Critical Appraisal Skills Programme7). Whichever tool is chosen to aid critical appraisal, consideration must be given not just to the validity of the research but also to the results of the study and the relevance to the reader's own clinical setting.

Practice point

  • Practitioners may find study design specific tools more useable than generic tools, but whichever tool is used consideration must be given not just to the validity of the research but also to the results of the study and the relevance to the reader's own clinical setting.