Nature 410, 372ā€“376 (2001).

The original Fig. 2eā€“j is in error because it was based on incorrectly sorted brain tissue. A corrected figure is shown below and demonstrates that the anti-mitotic agent MAM does not affect the gross morphology or the volume of either the hippocampus or the cerebellum. The revised figure is based on a new set of tissue obtained from brains in experiment 3 that had been exposed to MAM (n = 3) or saline (n = 3) for 14 days and processed as described. Sections from each of these brains are presented. This error (and its correction) does not alter the main findings we reported, namely that treatment with MAM depletes newly generated neurons in the hippocampus and impedes learning of trace eyeblink conditioning in the adult rat.

Figure 2: MAM treatment does not alter the gross morphology of the hippocampus or cerebellum.
figure 1

e, f, Cresyl violet stained sections of the dentate gyrus from three saline-treated (e) and three MAM-treated (f) adult rats. g, h, Cresyl violet stained sections of the cerebellar cortex from three saline-treated (g) and three MAM-treated (h) adult rats. i, j, Hippocampal (i) and cerebellar (j) volume (mean + s.e.m.).