
References to National Geographic in your Opinion article “Fossil Smuggling Unopposed”1 are false. The article on new dinosaurs from China was not “naively and hastily” published. It had been in preparation for a full year before publication and during this time was reviewed by six leading paleontologists and ornithologists.

Pertinent information concerning the integrity of the specimen known as Archaeoraptor was not made available to us or to them before publication. National Geographic is sparing no effort to investigate all issues raised concerning this specimen.

I also take strong exception to the anonymous quote in your editorial. That statement, which implied that our reporting was biased, was made by a person who is known to be a vocal opponent of the dinosaur–bird theory.

There is no question that a major problem in the field of palaeontology is the commercial trade in fossils. National Geographic, for its part, has a policy of not photographing or writing about fossils that are of illegal status, and we did not consider including Archaeoraptor in the article until assured it would be returned to China. We are proud of National Geographic's role in that process.