microring with soliton light pulses circulating around it

Browse our June issue

Featuring research on high-speed avalanche photodiode detectors, cavity solitons, observation of Landau levels in photonic crystals, all-optical switching of ferroelectric polarization and more.


  • Nobel Prize medal

    The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter“. To celebrate the prize, Springer-Nature has created a collection of seminal papers and relevant content from nature.com.

  • icon of two people talking to each other

    This collection brings together in one place the Question & Answer interviews that Nature Photonics has conducted with leading figures in photonics over the years.

  • Photograph of Charles Townes

    With this collection of obituaries, we celebrate the great scientists that helped shape modern day photonics.

  • photograph of Andrew Weiner

    Andrew M. Weiner, a luminary in ultrafast optics and quantum photonics passed away on February 13, 2024, at the age of 65. He will be remembered for his profound contributions to the optics and photonics community, engineering, education, and for his devoted mentorship. He leaves behind a legacy of innovation and inspiration.

Nature Photonics is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

Our Open Access option complies with funder and institutional requirements.


  • High-harmonic spectroscopy is employed to investigate the electron–phonon, anharmonic phonon–phonon coupling, and their relaxation dynamics in solids. It reveals the maximum displacement of neighbouring oxygen atoms in α-quartz crystal to tens of picometres in real space.

    • Jicai Zhang
    • Ziwen Wang
    • Tran Trung Luu
  • By measuring the Brillouin gain only at mechanical frequencies of interest, Brillouin gain microscopy enables Brillouin imaging with a temporal resolution of 100 µs with excitation energies of 23 µJ on biological samples.

    • Roni Shaashoua
    • Lir Kasuker
    • Alberto Bilenca
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A fully hybrid integrated erbium-doped photonic integrated waveguide laser with wide tuning of 40 nm, side-mode suppression ratio of >70 dB and output power up to 17 mW is demonstrated, achieving not only footprint reduction but also the long-anticipated fibre-laser coherence.

    • Yang Liu
    • Zheru Qiu
    • Tobias J. Kippenberg
  • Researchers show that atom-like dipoles based on germanium vacancy centres in diamond may be useful as antennas, exhibiting million-fold near-field optical intensity enhancement. These antennas are used to detect and control the charge state of nearby carbon vacancies.

    • Zixi Li
    • Xinghan Guo
    • Alexander A. High
  • Owing to spectral long-range correlation, broadband energy can be delivered to extended targets deep inside a multiple-scattering system, greatly broadening the scope of controlling wave transport in disordered systems.

    • Rohin McIntosh
    • Arthur Goetschy
    • Hui Cao
  • We had all been wondering “where is Costas?” and now we learned that we shall not see him again. We have lost a good friend and leader in the photonics community.

    • Maria Kafesaki
    • Thomas Koschny
    • Martin Wegener
  • Andrew M. Weiner, a luminary in ultrafast optics and quantum photonics passed away on February 13, 2024, at the age of 65. He will be remembered for his profound contributions to the optics and photonics community, engineering, education, and for his devoted mentorship. He leaves behind a legacy of innovation and inspiration.

    • Jason D. McKinney
    • Joseph M. Lukens
    • Vladimir M. Shalaev
  • A ring laser gyroscope, located at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell in Southern Germany, measures variations in the Earth’s rotation. Nature Photonics spoke to a key researcher on the project, Ulrich Schreiber, about the system’s birth, teething issues, and how it may one day probe the El Niño effect.

    • David Pile
  • Nature Photonics spoke with Rüdiger Paschotta, the founder of RP Photonics, about his online encyclopedia of photonics, the motivation behind it and future plans for the project.

    • Giampaolo Pitruzzello
  • Photonic processors are promising candidates for solving tough mathematical problems. Nature Photonics asked Yoshihisa Yamamoto, director of the Physics and Informatics Laboratories at NTT Research in USA, about the progress that is being made in realizing coherent Ising machines (CIMs).

    • Noriaki Horiuchi
  • Vladimir Zakharov was a man of a strong passion and grand intellect, who was equally and deservedly proud of both his scientific achievements and his poetry.

    • G. E. Falkovich
    • E. A. Kuznetsov
    • S. K. Turitsyn

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