
Cognitive biases in decision making

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Cognitive shortcuts (or heuristics) and their consequent psychological and behavioural biases can profoundly affect and shape the judgments and decisions we make in our everyday and professional lives.

The causes of bias are varied, can be both implicit or explicit, and socially or culturally learned. They may include a lack of regard for statistics and evidence, and environmental factors that compete for our attention. Undoubtedly, cognitive bias is a major contributor to errors, misjudgements and disagreement in many settings.

We invite research papers (empirical, methodological, and conceptual) that advance our understanding of how, when, and under which conditions heuristics and cognitive biases affect decision making across a range of contexts (including clinical medicine, business studies, education, political science, and public policy).

Scholarly perspectives on related themes are also welcomed, including:

  • Different types of heuristics and their consequent (implicit and explicit) biases;
  • Interaction of heuristics and biases with other cognitive, psychological, or social processes;
  • De-biasing strategies (e.g., metacognition, mindfulness, group decision making, training, nudges, incentives, etc.);
  • Analytics and decision aids intended to remove bias (e.g., operations research, technologically oriented decision tools).

Research is welcomed from a range of disciplinary vantage points, but primarily the behavioural and social sciences.

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Illustrated cross-section of a human brain, with the inside of the brain resembling a computer chip.

