Solid-phase synthesis articles within Nature Materials


  • Perspective |

    Molecular materials for computing progress intensively but the performance and reliability still lag behind. Here the authors assess the current state of computing with molecular-based materials and describe two issues as the basis of a new computing technology: continued exploration of molecular electronic properties and process development for on-chip integration.

    • R. Stanley Williams
    • , Sreebrata Goswami
    •  & Sreetosh Goswami
  • Letter |

    A high-pressure reaction is used to convert benzene molecules to one-dimensional crystalline carbon nanostructures that show diamond-like sp3 bonding. These nanothreads are expected to have strength and stiffness greater than carbon nanotubes.

    • Thomas C. Fitzgibbons
    • , Malcolm Guthrie
    •  & John V. Badding