Social science articles within Nature Materials


  • Editorial |

    Prostheses today can trace their roots to the rudimentary designs of the First World War, but since then there have been significant advances that have improved the quality of life of amputees.

  • Q&A |

    Emily Mayhew, a historian within the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London, talks to Nature Materials about the advances that have been made in medicine and, in particular, prosthetics since World War I.

    • Amos Matsiko
  • Commentary |

    The successful adoption of metallic additive manufacturing in aviation will require investment in basic scientific understanding of the process, defining of standards and adaptive regulation.

    • Jaime Bonnín Roca
    • , Parth Vaishnav
    •  & M. Granger Morgan
  • Interview |

    Metallurgy has been crucial to the development of China and its economy. Ke Lu, director of the Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, talks to Nature Materials about the outlook for metallurgy and materials science in China.

    • John Plummer