Scaling laws articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    A protocol using large-scale training of graph networks enables high-throughput discovery of novel stable structures and led to the identification of 2.2 million crystal structures, of which 381,000 are newly discovered stable materials.

    • Amil Merchant
    • , Simon Batzner
    •  & Ekin Dogus Cubuk
  • Letter |

    Zero-temperature quantum phase transitions and their associated quantum critical points are believed to underpin the exotic finite-temperature behaviours of many strongly correlated electronic systems, but identifying the microscopic origins of these transitions can be challenging and controversial; Keller et al. (see also the related paper by Iftikhar et al.) show how such behaviours can be engineered into nanoelectronic quantum dots, which permit both precise experimental control of the quantum critical behaviour and its exact theoretical characterization.

    • A. J. Keller
    • , L. Peeters
    •  & D. Goldhaber-Gordon