Planetary science articles within Nature Chemistry


  • Thesis |

    In his previous Thesis, Bruce Gibb introduced us to the chemistry of Jupiter’s moons. Now, he takes us on a tour of NASA’s Europa Clipper, the spacefaring chemistry lab set to revolutionize our understanding of Jupiter’s most intriguing satellite.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Thesis |

    If you feel like shifting your attention away from what’s happening here on planet Earth in 2020 for a moment, join Bruce C. Gibb on a tour through the chemistry of the largest planet in the Solar System.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Thesis |

    Michelle Francl wonders just how old the water in her tea is.

    • Michelle Francl
  • In Your Element |

    Calcium is found throughout the solar system, the Earth's crust and oceans, and is an essential constituent of cells, shells and bones — yet it is curiously scarce in the upper atmosphere. John Plane ponders on this 25-year-old mystery.

    • John M. C. Plane
  • Article |

    The formation of simple prebiotic organic compounds on early Earth is thought to be an important step in the origin of life. Molecular dynamics simulations of the conditions within cometary ice during planetary impact suggest a possible mechanism for the formation of glycine, an amino acid.

    • Nir Goldman
    • , Evan J. Reed
    •  & Amitesh Maiti