Environmental sciences articles within Nature Chemistry


  • Thesis |

    Environmental contamination is in the news more than ever. Shira Joudan introduces key concepts to talk about what happens to chemicals in the environment and what chemists should consider in their day-to-day lives, both at work and at home.

    • Shira Joudan
  • Thesis |

    Excited by the prospect of future missions to the Jupiter system, Bruce Gibb explores the chemistry of Jupiter’s moons and wonders whether there could be life on Europa.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Q&A |

    Krystal Vasquez, PhD student at Caltech, talks to Nature Chemistry about her experiences as an atmospheric researcher — both in the lab with her favourite instruments and in the scientific community as a disabled scientist — as well as her love for science writing.

    • Anne Pichon
  • Thesis |

    Bruce C. Gibb explains why plastic isn’t always fantastic.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • In Your Element |

    Calcium is found throughout the solar system, the Earth's crust and oceans, and is an essential constituent of cells, shells and bones — yet it is curiously scarce in the upper atmosphere. John Plane ponders on this 25-year-old mystery.

    • John M. C. Plane