Corrosion articles within Nature Materials


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    Lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide is used as a conducting salt for rechargeable lithium metal batteries because of its stability, but corrosion with aluminium current collectors is an issue. A non-corrosive sulfonimide salt is shown to suppress anodic dissolution of an Al current collector at high potentials while improving cycling.

    • Lixin Qiao
    • , Uxue Oteo
    •  & Heng Zhang
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    A model is proposed to predict the corrosion rate of steels embedded in different porous media including concrete, wood and soil. It relies on the moisture state and the pore structure, which affect the electrochemical dissolution kinetics.

    • Matteo Stefanoni
    • , Ueli M. Angst
    •  & Bernhard Elsener
  • News & Views |

    Advanced characterization and modelling techniques provide unique insights into oxidant transport processes in growing scales of high-temperature alloys and alloy design for improving their degradation resistance in harsh environments.

    • Brian Gleeson
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    A magnesium-based alloy with large lithium content demonstrates high specific strength in combination with corrosion resistance, associated with the formation of a lithium carbonate surface film that protects the alloy from its environment.

    • Wanqiang Xu
    • , Nick Birbilis
    •  & Michael Ferry
  • News & Views |

    The finding of a sharp interface between a chemically attacked surface and the pristine bulk in a borosilicate glass is at odds with the widely held diffusion-based mechanisms of glass durability.

    • Andrew Putnis
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    For alloys displaying diffusive transport behaviour, understanding the electrochemical factors that control dealloying-induced morphologies could prove important for battery development. Composition, particle size and dealloying rate are now shown to affect morphology evolution in the Li–Sn system, and dealloying is found to be governed by both percolation-dissolution and solid-state-diffusion mechanisms.

    • Qing Chen
    •  & Karl Sieradzki