Cell invasion articles within Nature


  • News & Views |

    Tumours increase their consumption of the amino acid tryptophan to evade immune control. But how does this work? A study shows that the main product of this consumption binds to a receptor involved in the immune system. See Article p.197

    • George C. Prendergast
  • Letter |

    This study shows, via a mouse model of intestinal cancer, that in the absence of CKIα, the loss of p53 dramatically enhances tumour progression and metastasis. p53 is shown to normally limit cancer cell invasion via the regulation of p21 and a set of invasion genes that include Prox1. This study adds important insights to the emerging picture that during tumour development the p53 tumour suppressor gene not only controls cell death and proliferation but also metastasis.

    • Ela Elyada
    • , Ariel Pribluda
    •  & Yinon Ben-Neriah