Reviews & Analysis

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  • Misinformation is influential despite unprecedented access to high-quality, factual information. In this Review, Ecker et al. describe the cognitive, social and affective factors that drive sustained belief in misinformation, synthesize the evidence for interventions to reduce its effects and offer recommendations for information consumers and practitioners.

    • Ullrich K. H. Ecker
    • Stephan Lewandowsky
    • Michelle A. Amazeen
    Review Article
  • Personality and psychopathology have historically been considered distinct, but research now suggests that they share a common phenotypic structure. In this Perspective, Hopwood et al. argue that person–environment transactions across different timescales are key for differentiating personality and psychopathology, and thus for psychiatric diagnosis.

    • Christopher J. Hopwood
    • Aidan G. C. Wright
    • Wiebke Bleidorn