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  • David Barford discusses how the template model for MAD2 activation in the spindle assembly checkpoint represented a new concept for generating and propagating intracellular signals.

    • David Barford
    Journal Club
  • Adriano Aguzzi discusses the endeavours of the Gitler team to identify the causes underlying the fatal human neurological disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

    • Adriano Aguzzi
    Journal Club
  • The introduction of DNA-chain terminators for sequencing by Fred Sanger enabled the early genome sequencing projects.

    • George G. Brownlee
    Journal Club
  • Ueli Schibler explains why the phenotype of a mutation in a codon of the ‘21st amino acid’ selenium cysteine was unexpectedly specific.

    • Ueli Schibler
    Journal Club
  • Rebecca Taylor discusses the elegance and importance of early discoveries from the Walter laboratory on the unfolded protein response, and why they have become landmark studies.

    • Rebecca C. Taylor
    Journal Club
  • Senescent cells secrete a multitude of factors that modulate their local environment — a phenomenon known as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). David Bernard highlights that the SASP secretome can be flexibly regulated, resulting in different types of SASP, which contributes to the versatility of responses triggered by senescent cells.

    • David Bernard
    Journal Club
  • Kikuë Tachibana discusses some of the key findings of the seminal works of Sir John Gurdon on nuclear reprogramming and how, by being examples of scientific rigour, they have inspired her own research.

    • Kikuë Tachibana
    Journal Club
  • Philip Cohen highlights how two studies from the laboratory of Zhijian Chen, published in 2000 and 2001, started a new era in the study of signal transduction pathways and the roles of ubiquitin chains.

    • Philip Cohen
    Journal Club
  • Eva Nogales looks back at the early days of structure determination of cytoskeletal components.

    • Eva Nogales
    Journal Club