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    This Focus issue stresses the need for more research on monogenic disorders and the unique opportunity they offer for developing treatments, from aiding drug target identification to a host of genetic medicines.

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    Welcome to the Nature Reviews Geneticsweb focus on the body plan - a selection of recently published Reviews on this topic.

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    Milestones in Gene Expression is a collaborative project involving six journals - Nature,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Genetics,Nature Reviews Genetics,Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyandNature Structural & Molecular Biology- and celebrates almost 50 years of discoveries in the field of transcription and chromatin.

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    Epigenetics — the study of heritable changes in gene expression or function that occur without a change in the DNA sequence itself — is proving to have an increasingly important role in both human development and disease, particularly cancer.

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    Repeat instability is a unique dynamic mutation mechanism that underlies many diseases characterised by muscular and neuronal degeneration, such as Huntington disease, Fragile X syndrome, Friedreich ataxia and spinocerebellar ataxias, to name but a few.

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    When talking about RNAi, it is difficult to separate biology from technology. And so this Collection on RNA interference includes Reviews and Research Highlights on both aspects of this topic.

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    Milestones in Development is a collaboration between five journals - Nature,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Reviews Genetics,Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyandNature Reviews Neuroscience. Twenty-four 'Milestones' highlight the discoveries that have made the greatest impact on the developmental biology field over the past 100 years.

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    Since their conception in the mid-1990s, the use of microarrays has spread rapidly throughout the research community. So much so that, in recent years, a microarray experiment has become the 'must-have' item for many primary research articles. This trend is certainly not going out of fashion, as the range of applications for microarrays continues to grow and expand.

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    This Focus provides a comprehensive collection of articles on the development of pharmacogenetics, covering topics ranging from the latest approaches in pharmacogenetics research to evolving regulatory frameworks and ethical issues

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    The genetic modification of plants and animals is one of those issues that always seem to be in the news. However out of the headlines is exactly where most of the geneticists involved in GM research would like to take the field. A judicious mix of targeted research and an open dialogue with the public is probably the best way to move towards less negative and sensationalist coverage of this important area. This focus spans the entire scope of the GM field and provides some insights into just why it provokes so much controversy.

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    This collection, along with other analysis of key components of the ocean's food web, highlights the significance of genome sequences from the sea. We powerfully demonstrate how genomics can lead to a new understanding of biodiversity, ecology and biogeochemistry.

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    This focus provides a broad picture of the importance of microbial genetics but, more than this, they show that the answers to the big questions that were provided by this field in the past might be the tip of an iceberg that looms large in the future.