Reviews & Analysis

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  • In 2016, the pace of biological insights into small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) was reflected in new treatment approaches that have suggested meaningful clinical benefit to patients. We focus on three highlights of 2016: preclinical studies defining NFIB as a putative driver of metastasis, and two clinical studies; one that assessed the efficacy of an agent targeting the Notch ligand DLL3, and the other that explored T-cell checkpoint-blockade therapies targeting PD-1 and CTLA-4.

    • Charles M. Rudin
    • John T. Poirier
    Year in Review
  • In 2016, novel findings on the role of predisposing gene variants in sarcoma oncogenesis were published, as well as studies addressing novel molecular classifications and results from randomized controlled trials highlighting successful new treatments. Herein, we discuss these meaningful advances.

    • Jean-Yves Blay
    • Isabelle Ray-Coquard
    Year in Review
  • In 2016, results of an extensive trial broadened the range of malignancies that can be treated with everolimus to include neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) of the lung and gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, studies aimed at identifying biomarkers with increased specificity, and at better defining high-grade NETs have enabled substantial progress towards delivering effective targeted treatments to patients with NETs.

    • Massimo Falconi
    • Stefano Partelli
    Year in Review
  • In the past year, clinical trials have provided important information on strategies to decrease treatment-associated toxicities in patients with head and neck cancer. In addition, the FDA approved the first immunotherapeutic agents for patients with recurrent and/or metastatic disease, based on the observation of durable responses to pembrolizumab in a phase Ib trial, and demonstration of improved survival and quality of life with the use of nivolumab versus chemotherapy in a phase III trial.

    • Alain P. Algazi
    • Jennifer R. Grandis
    Year in Review
  • In 2015, academic-led trials provided evidence for safe de-escalation of adjuvant treatment in early stage breast cancer and answered important questions related to adjuvant regional irradiation and optimal first-line chemotherapy in advanced-stage disease. Furthermore, the development of novel therapies and potential tools for treatment tailoring will offer new hope to patients with breast cancer.

    • Martine J. Piccart
    • Isabelle Gingras
    Year in Review
  • In 2015, advances in immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma have come to fruition, with phase III data supporting the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab as first-line therapy. Understanding the mechanisms involved in an effective antitumour immune response are now key to further advances. Several studies published in 2015 have increased our understanding of the complex relationships that exist between our immune system and malignancy.

    • Elizabeth I. Buchbinder
    • F. Stephen Hodi
    Year in Review