Reviews & Analysis

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  • Professor Stephen Westaby and colleagues describe the case of a patient who presented with cardiogenic shock that swiftly deteriorated to severe heart failure. CT revealed a large adrenal tumor that was subsequently indentified as pheochromocytoma. After the tumor was removed, the patient underwent left ventricular assist device implantation as a bridge to left ventricular recovery.

    • Stephen Westaby
    • Ashwin Shahir
    • Oliver Ormerod
    Case Study
  • Lindsay et al. present an interesting case of a patient with a ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm. The authors recommend the early use of imaging modalities for prompt diagnosis, as anticoagulation therapy might have detrimental effects on patient outcome. Reparative surgery is safe and successful in almost all noninfective cases.

    • Alistair C. Lindsay
    • Balakrishnan Mahesh
    • Miles C. D. Dalby
    Case Study
  • Ramcharitar et al. describe the first case treated in the SECRITT I trial. The 63-year-old man presented with class II anginal symptoms and was diagnosed as having a culprit lesion in the left circumflex artery and a vulnerable plaque in the left anterior descending artery. The vulnerable plaque was treated with a self-expanding stent tailored to shield this type of plaque.

    • Steve Ramcharitar
    • Nieves Gonzalo
    • Patrick W. Serruys
    Case Study
  • In this month's Case Study, Versaci and colleagues present a case of congenital coronary artery fistula originating from the left anterior coronary artery and draining into right ventricle, in conjunction with an aneurysm of the left anterior descending artery. The high risk of rupture lead the authors to close the fistula surgically using normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.

    • Francesco Versaci
    • Costantino Del Giudice
    • Luigi Chiariello
    Case Study