News & Views in 2024

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  • Sequencing data reveal highly diverse viromes associated with clinically important parasitic nematodes. Serological data suggest that this ongoing relationship could impact disease.

    • Elodie Ghedin
    • Megan R. Hockman
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  • A metabolomics approach to study microbe–tick interactions reveals that host β-aminoisobutyric acid contributes both to tick fitness and bacterial infection.

    • W. Robert Shaw
    • Flaminia Catteruccia
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  • Microbial networks and host–microbiota interactions, especially immunoglobulin A coating of resident microbiota, outperform bacterial abundance as a predictor of neuroinflammation severity in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.

    • Carolina M. Polonio
    • Francisco J. Quintana
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  • Multi-drug resistance and virulence in Rhodosporidiobolus fluvialis, an emergent human fungal pathogen that causes fungaemia, is driven by body-temperature-induced elevated mutation rates.

    • Michael J. Bottery
    • David W. Denning
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  • A real-world study of 100 diverse cases facilitated by a single centre for individualized bacteriophage therapy demonstrates feasibility and provides new hope for refractory and resistant bacterial infections.

    • Jonathan Iredell
    • Holly Sinclair
    • Ameneh Khatami
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  • The vast stores of high-latitude peatland carbon are thought to be resistant to microbial degradation, but a multi-omics investigation suggests this might not be the case.

    • Gina Chaput
    • Maggie Sogin
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  • Exoglycosidases isolated from the mucolytic gut bacteria Akkermansia muciniphila bring enzymatic conversion of A and B blood group erythrocytes to blood group O a step closer.

    • Timothy J. Satchwell
    • Natalie Di Bartolo
    • Ashley M. Toye
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  • SARS-CoV-2 infection can be associated with ‘brain fog’ and persistent neurologic disease, especially in the elderly, with the possibility of direct viral particle interference with normal synaptic transmission.

    • Harris A. Gelbard
    • Wesley Chiang
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  • FEAR is an ancestral histone chaperone complex that can control virus infections in an interferon-independent manner.

    • Derek Walsh
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  • Extracellular vesicles carrying phosphatidylserine on their surface, found in large quantities in semen, saliva and breast milk, but not in blood, provide an innate defence strategy by blocking viral entry through competition for binding to cellular phosphatidylserine receptors, explaining why many viruses are transmitted by blood rather than by these body fluids.

    • Leonid Margolis
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  • A ‘reverse translation’ strategy using gnotobiotic mice ascertains cause and effect relationships between bacterial members of the gut microbiota, dietary components and host physiology, which are difficult to establish in human nutritional trials.

    • Jens Walter
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  • Two studies describe the discovery of proteins that harbour a photosynthetic reaction centre barrel domain and play pivotal roles in FtsZ-mediated cell division in archaea, with the photosynthetic reaction centre fold itself emerging as a key player in executing cytokinesis across archaea.

    • Daniela Barillà
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  • Active hydrothermal vents are hotspots of life in the deep sea, but even after hot springs go extinct, highly productive microbial communities continue to thrive on the chemical energy in the minerals left behind.

    • Jesse McNichol
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  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa protects itself, and its neighbours, from the cephalosporin cefiderocol through production of the siderophore pyoverdine.

    • Fabiha Zaheen Khan
    • Kelli Palmer
    • Nicholas Dillon
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  • Decomposer microbiomes are universal across cadavers regardless of environmental conditions, and they use complex cross-feeding and interkingdom interactions to break down organic matter.

    • Michael S. Strickland
    • Laurel Lynch
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  • Metabolomics and feeding experiments demonstrate the host’s active role in sharing organic acids with a gut microbiota member, revealing host–microbe interactions that foster symbiosis.

    • Dolma Michellod
    • Manuel Liebeke
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  • The antimicrobial agent epifadin, which is produced by the nasal commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis, has— despite its short half-life — broad-spectrum activity, including against Staphylococcus aureus.

    • Christine Beemelmanns
    • Andreas Keller
    • Rolf Müller
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  • Bacteroides fragilis employs two different mechanisms, secreted microbe- and host-targeting toxins, that facilitate successful colonization of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract.

    • Benjamin D. Ross
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