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  • The BRAIN initiative is set to award its first grants this year. It is imperative that this initiative be funded appropriately for neuroscientists to fully reap its benefits.

  • A short-sighted bill introduced in the Italian parliament could cripple scientific research in that country. Scientists share some of the responsibility for this crisis.

  • Dysregulation of protein translation and RNA processing mechanisms in the brain can result in subtle, but widespread, neurological disorders. A collection of Review and Perspective articles in this issue of Nature Neuroscience highlights some of the more unconventional mechanisms of post-transcriptional modifications in the CNS.

  • Successful translational research requires a solid understanding of the systems involved and their normal functions, which only basic research is equipped to provide.

  • Nature Neuroscience presents a focus highlighting recent technical advances in neuroscience.

  • Scientists need to mobilize to combat changing tactics by animal rights activists.

  • Nature journals' updated editorial policies aim to improve transparency and reproducibility.

  • Nature Neuroscience presents a special focus issue highlighting recent advances and discussing future directions in memory research.
