Editorials in 2008

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  • On the heels of a new law, scientists in Italy are facing precarious times yet again.

  • Lie-detection tests have not been scientifically proven to reliably detect deception at an individual level, yet they are being marketed by several companies and have even been admitted as evidence in an Indian court. This calls for a critical appraisal of these technologies and regulatory measures to prevent misuse.

  • The contribution of private philanthropy to research has been growing. Although these large infusions of money can galvanize research, private and public funds now increasingly seem to support similar projects. Caution is warranted to prevent funding for specific topics from skewing research to the detriment of other fields.

  • Our understanding of the neurobiology and treatment of psychiatric illness in children remains poor. Prominent psychiatrists have now been accused of concealing the extent of their financial ties to the drug industry. We urgently need to encourage more science in this area and we need vigorous regulation to restore some neutrality to the field.

  • As Western universities establish lucrative satellite programs overseas, they promise to draw new parts of the globe into the scientific endeavor. Faculty recruitment, however, emerges as a hurdle on the way to excellence.

  • The recent announcement of a primate transgenic model of Huntington's disease might appear to represent only a limited advance, but given the work's potential, it would be shortsighted to close the door on this line of research.

  • A preliminary analysis shows that citation counts correlate well with paper downloads soon after publication.

  • The first issue of Nature Neuroscience appeared a decade ago. We look back on the history of the journal and the field.

  • Nature Neuroscience is joining a consortium of journals that enables reviews to be transferred from one journal to another, while allowing authors, referees and editors to control their degree of participation in the system flexibly.

  • The increase in research carried out by private companies raises concerns about ethical standards for human subjects.

  • The US government is re-examining how it funds science, but it remains to be seen whether the administration can overcome tradition and bureaucratic inertia and achieve a substantial renovation of the grants peer-review system.

  • Neuroscience has reached critical mass in Shanghai and Beijing, attracting substantial financial support and enticing Western-trained scientists to return to China. Now it is time for the bounty to spread to the provinces.
