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  • This longitudinal study tracked the brains of 139 first-time mothers. Mothers showed lower cortical volume before childbirth that attenuated during the postpartum, with a distinct recovery rate as a function of the brain network and birth type.

    • María Paternina-Die
    • Magdalena Martínez-García
    • Susana Carmona
    ArticleOpen Access
  • In this study the authors show that in the mouse anterior thalamus, the activity of head-direction cells is selectively modulated by sensory stimuli and by the animal’s behavioral state.

    • Eduardo Blanco-Hernández
    • Giuseppe Balsamo
    • Andrea Burgalossi
    Brief Communication
  • Using two-photon (2P) optogenetics and computational modeling, the authors find that neither space-based nor feature-based rules are sufficient to describe cell–cell interactions within the primary visual cortex (V1). Instead, models must include interactions between these cardinal axes.

    • Ian Antón Oldenburg
    • William D. Hendricks
    • Hillel Adesnik
    ArticleOpen Access
  • As Nature Neuroscience celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are having conversations with both established leaders in the field and those earlier in their careers to discuss how the field has evolved and where it is heading. This month we are talking to Bill Martin, Global Therapeutic Area Head, Neuroscience at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine. We discussed the challenges and opportunities ahead for the development of treatments for psychiatric disease.

    • Shari Wiseman
  • Fang and Creed review and synthesize recent studies of the striatum and pallidal complex. Based on connectivity and organization of striatal–pallidal pathways in rodents, they propose how these structures coordinate learning and flexible behavior.

    • Lisa Z. Fang
    • Meaghan C. Creed
    Review Article
  • As Nature Neuroscience celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are having conversations with both established leaders in the field and those earlier in their careers to discuss how the field has evolved, and where it is heading. This month, we are talking to Ukpong Eyo (Associate Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Virginia, USA), a glial biologist interested in the role of microglia in neurodevelopment, health and disease, about science, family, and the benefits of finding your balance.

    • Elisa Floriddia
  • As Nature Neuroscience celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are having conversations with both established leaders in the field and those earlier in their careers to discuss how the field has evolved and where it is heading. This month we are talking to Kelsey Martin, Executive Vice President of Autism and Neuroscience at the Simons Foundation and Professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she previously served as the Dean of the David Geffen School of Medicine. We discussed the pleasures of studying neuronal cell biology and her leadership roles.

    • Shari Wiseman