
  • Collection |

    This collection highlights developmental biology research published in Nature Communications focusing on embryonic and tissue development. It showcases advances in early embryonic development, organ development, stem cell biology and regeneration.

    Image: AK Hadjantonakis/ doi: 10.1038/ncomms13463
  • Collection |

    This collection brings together multi-disciplinary, open-access articles published in Nature Communications on forest research in the Anthropocene, an epoch characterised by humanity’s impact on our planet. It showcases some of the latest advances and opinion pieces across the fields of ecology, social and Earth sciences and aims to provide a unified resource for researchers in this increasingly interdisciplinary field.

  • Collection |

    This collection brings together important, open-access research in sea-level rise published in Nature Communications since the last report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Sea-level research is a vigorous and dynamic field of study, and this evolving collection aims to provide a unified resource to support scientists and policymakers alike in keeping up with the rapid developments in the field.

    Image: Getty Images/Brandi Mueller
  • Milestone |

    Nature Milestones in Antibodies, presented by Nature Immunology, Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology and Nature Communications, highlights some of the most influential developments in the history of antibody research.