Perspectives in 2020

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  • Structural lubricity is one of the most interesting concepts in modern tribology, which promises to achieve ultra-low friction over a wide range of length-scales. Here the authors highlight novel research lines in this area achievable by combining theoretical and experimental efforts on hard two-dimensional materials and soft colloidal and cold ion systems.

    • Andrea Vanossi
    • Clemens Bechinger
    • Michael Urbakh
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Photon-induced charge separation phenomena are at the heart of light-harvesting applications but challenging to be described by quantum mechanical models. Here the authors illustrate the potential of machine-learning approaches towards understanding the fundamental processes governing electronic excitations.

    • Florian Häse
    • Loïc M. Roch
    • Alán Aspuru-Guzik
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Despite their widespread use, many fundamental questions about the internal structure of microgels are still open. Here the authors describe several pathways toward a complete understanding of microgel colloids based on recent experimental advances in nanoscale characterization.

    • Frank Scheffold
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Why do human embryos need a yolk sac and how does it form? This Perspective by Thorsten Boroviak and Connor Ross explores the development and function of the yolk sac in primate embryogenesis.

    • Connor Ross
    • Thorsten E. Boroviak
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Despite numerous advances in our understanding of subduction since the theory of plate tectonics was established, the mechanisms of subduction zone initiation remain highly controversial. Here, the authors present a transdisciplinary and expandable community database of subduction zone initiation events in the last 100 Ma, which establishes a clear direction for future research.

    • Fabio Crameri
    • Valentina Magni
    • Marcel Thielmann
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Scarcity of high-quality annotated data and mismatch between the development dataset and the target environment are two of the main challenges in developing predictive tools from medical imaging. In this Perspective, the authors show how causal reasoning can shed new light on these challenges.

    • Daniel C. Castro
    • Ian Walker
    • Ben Glocker
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Oceans provide important natural resources, but the management and governance of the ocean is complex and the ecosystem is suffering as a result. The authors discuss current barriers to sustainable ocean governance and suggest pathways forward.

    • Tanya Brodie Rudolph
    • Mary Ruckelshaus
    • Philile Mbatha
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Current environmental impact mitigation neglects over-consumption from affluent citizens as a primary driver. The authors highlight the role of bottom-up movements to overcome structural economic growth imperatives spurring consumption by changing structures and culture towards safe and just systems.

    • Thomas Wiedmann
    • Manfred Lenzen
    • Julia K. Steinberger
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Different methods are demonstrated in recent years to produce attosecond pulses. Here, the authors discuss recent development and future prospects of the generation of such pulses from gases and solids and their potential applications in spectroscopy and ultrafast dynamics in atoms, molecules and other complex systems.

    • Jie Li
    • Jian Lu
    • Zenghu Chang
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • As the field of metal-organic frameworks is maturing, understanding the dynamics of open frameworks is progressing and rational approaches are under development. Here, the authors outline challenges and potential routes to engineering the spatio-temporal evolution of dynamic metal-organic frameworks.

    • Jack D. Evans
    • Volodymyr Bon
    • Stefan Kaskel
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • The AI for Social Good movement aims to apply AI/ML tools to help in delivering on the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs). Here, the authors identify the challenges and propose guidelines for designing and implementing successful partnerships between AI researchers and application - domain experts.

    • Nenad Tomašev
    • Julien Cornebise
    • Claudia Clopath
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Genome-scale engineering requires the integration of a wide range of in silico and in vivo technologies, as well data management procedures and legal infrastructure. Here the authors provide a list of recommendations to address these challenges.

    • Bryan A. Bartley
    • Jacob Beal
    • Elizabeth A. Strychalski
    PerspectiveOpen Access