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  • Last month's UN Climate Change Conference in Bali marked the end of a year that saw the world turn its attention to global warming, largely owing to the overwhelming body of evidence presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For many, the Bali conference offered hope of international action. Olive Heffernan caught up with IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri midway through to find out his views on the state of play in Bali and beyond.

    • Olive Heffernan
    News Feature
  • The world may be largely indifferent to the presence of humanity, yet we have magnified our influence to global scales - above all, through the recent increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases.

    • Gavin Schmidt
    Books & Arts
  • While the US and EU plan major investments in bioethanol and biodiesel, critics argue that biofuels carry too high a cost. Kurt Kleiner reports.

    • Kurt Kleiner
    • Anna Barnett
    Research Highlights
  • The drivers and impacts of climate change extend beyond greenhouse gas emissions and rising temperature, especially when deforestation enters the picture. In deciding how best to mitigate, we may need to favour direct calculations of cost over current means of measuring climate change.

    • Richard Betts
  • Now that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has spoken more clearly than ever — and policymakers are listening — it may be time to take a new direction. Amanda Leigh Haag reports on suggested ways forward.

    • Amanda Leigh Haag
    News Feature
  • Rising temperatures are changing mountain ecosystems as the heat forces some species upwards — until there is nowhere left to go. Emma Marris reports on the 'escalator effect', which is threatening species worldwide.

    • Emma Marris
    News Feature
  • International climate policy needs to induce a socioeconomic tipping to a low or no-carbon economy if we are to avoid climate change tipping points.

    • Timothy M. Lenton
    • Hans Joachim Schellnhuber