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  • How do we select papers for publication in Nature Chemical Biology?

  • Closer interactions between chemical biology and systems biology have the potential to provide a more integrated understanding of how biology functions.

  • 'Data not shown' is an outdated caveat that obscures the transparency of a scientific report and weakens the peer review process.

  • Enhanced funding support and increased engagement of chemical biologists in the funding process are essential for the advancement of the field.

  • Considering common definitions and mechanisms of cooperative behavior may lead to new insights into chemical and biological function.

  • The retraction of a Nature Chemical Biology paper is a step toward a full accounting of a case of scientific misconduct.

  • Correspondence in scientific journals is an essential mechanism for mediating scientific debates, but emerging online technologies offer new ways to foster scientific communication.

  • New tools and rigorous chemical and biological studies will be essential for enhancing our mechanistic understanding of cellular oxidative stress.

  • A two-day symposium on chemical neurobiology revealed an open frontier for researchers at the interface of chemistry and neuroscience.

  • As scientists move towards a more comprehensive understanding of the role of metals in biology, bioinorganic chemistry will be an increasingly important component of chemical biology.

  • The pharmaceutical industry faces major challenges in delivering the next generation of therapeutic agents. The shared interests of pharmaceutical researchers and chemical biologists provide impetus for new drug discovery innovations.

  • Building on its foundations in chemistry, chemical biology is now extending its reach to understand and manipulate increasingly complex biological systems.
