Editorials in 2010

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  • The pressures of an increasingly competitive research environment can lead to scientific misconduct. Journals, academic institutions and individual scientists should commit to promoting best practice in research and education in research ethics.

  • In the United States, enrolment in graduate degree programmes in the biological sciences has risen sharply during the global economic downturn, but new graduates face an uncertain job market. What can prospective and current students do to ensure that a graduate degree remains a sound investment?

  • The 'Guide to Authors' provides detailed information on manuscript preparation and submission, the editorial process, and editorial and publishing policies. Awareness of these requirements can help avoid delays in the review and publication process.

  • Changes to key Wellcome Trust funding schemes spark concern about shrinking sources of funding for university laboratories in the United Kingdom.

  • Autophagy targets portions of cytoplasm, damaged organelles and proteins for lysosomal degradation and has crucial roles in development and disease. This issue presents a series of specially commissioned articles that highlight recent developments and emerging themes in this area.

  • The summer conference season is now in full swing. As scientists dash from session to session and venue to venue, now is a good time to take stock of what conference attendance seeks to achieve.

  • The formation of a coalition government led by David Cameron has ended the uncertainty following the general election in the United Kingdom. Although the challenges facing a coalition government are immense, securing the future of UK science must remain a priority.

  • A new Nature research journal for the biological, physical and chemical sciences.

  • Peer review is an essential aspect of the publishing process; journals and the research community have a shared interest in it being a constructive process.

  • The European Research Council aims to support frontier research by individual research groups. As the organization enters its fourth year, we hope that it will be better able to implement these scientific goals.

  • A shared culture of science across nations can bring cohesion in the face of difference. The launch of the Nature Middle East portal promises to engage the Arabic-speaking science community.

  • Mentoring enhances the experience of mentees; however, mentors and their institutions will also reap the rewards of a mentorship culture.

  • A group of Golgi researchers tackle controversies in the field head-on and emerge with a blueprint for future research.

  • The dismissal of a senior science advisor in the UK has lead to a debate on the role of expert advice in crafting public policy.
