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    From the generation of embryo-like structures to the establishment of cell-based approaches to model or treat disease, the field of stem cell and developmental biology has impressively progressed during the past few months.

    Image: Jacob Hanna and Maayan Visuals – Oldak B. et al. Complete human day 14 post-implantation embryo models from naive ES cells. Nature 622, 562–573 (2023).
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    Detailed method reporting is essential for research reproducibility and trust in published results.

    Image: Sam Whitham
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    Nature Biotechnology’s annual survey highlights academic startups that are, among other things, correcting misfolded or disordered proteins, creating second generation GPCR agonists, building a new gene delivery platform, and mining cancer genomes for novel targets.

    Image: Getty
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    The 2023 Nobel Prize in chemistry has been awarded to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Alexei I. Ekimov for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots.

    Image: Springer Nature/The Nobel Foundation/Imagesource
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    The 2023 Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their “discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19”.

    Image: Springer Nature/The Nobel Foundation/Imagesource
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    Inaugurated in 2018, the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) endeavours to construct comprehensive spatial maps that feature a range of biomolecules such as RNA, proteins, and metabolites in human organs at single-cell resolution.

    Image: Heidi Schlehlein
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    This Collection provides an overview of current progress in developing targeted genome editing technologies, including a selection of protocols for using and adapting these tools in your own lab.

    Image: LuckyStep48 / Alamy Stock Vector
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    Following the recent declaration from the World Health Organization that the ongoing monkeypox (now named mpox) outbreak is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, the editorial teams at Nature Portfolio have curated a collection of relevant articles.

    Image: NIAID
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    Research interest is growing in profiling noncoding RNAs and understanding their biological functions in health and disease contexts.

    Image: Jeren (France) / Getty Images
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    The 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and K. Barry Sharpless for the development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry.

    Image: Springer Nature/The Nobel Foundation/Imagesource
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    The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Svante Pääbo "for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution".

    Image: Springer Nature/The Nobel Foundation/Imagesource
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    Nature Biotechnology’s annual survey highlights academic startups that are, among other things, designing circular RNA therapeutics, tackling cancer with arenaviruses, creating psychedelics without the trip, editing genes and cells in vivo, harnessing the power of auto-antibodies, editing the epigenome.

    Image: Getty