News Feature in 2004

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  • China is a growing biotech player whose main competitive edge lies in low development costs. But will inexperienced money men and a disinterested pharmaceutical industry hold it back? Sabine Louët investigates.

    • Sabine Louët
    News Feature
  • Healthcare costs are out of control. Generic biotech products could ease the pain. What's holding things up? Stephan Herrera investigates.

    • Stephan Herrera
    News Feature
  • Flavor-enhancing molecules provide a fast track to market and to an IPO, at least for Senomyx, the first 'flavor' biotech out of the block. Will others follow? Cormac Sheridan investigates.

    • Cormac Sheridan
    News Feature
  • The US NCI is spearheading efforts to create a national network for storing cancer tissue samples as well as an international informatics grid to share data. Aaron Bouchie reports.

    • Aaron Bouchie
    News Feature
  • Surveillance for biotech performance-enhancing drugs was increased at last month's Olympic Games. Will athletes turn to more stealth enhancements in the future? Laura DeFrancesco investigates.

    • Laura DeFrancesco
    News Feature
  • Will the new multiple sclerosis drug Antegren be the next blockbuster drug as some analysts predict? Cormac Sheridan investigates.

    • Cormac Sheridan
    News Feature
  • A promising new horse vaccine may reignite enthusiasm for DNA vaccine technology in designing prophylactics against infectious disease. Kendall Powell reports.

    • Kendall Powell
    News Feature
  • Will formal entry into the European Union enable the eight new Central European members to galvanize their biotech sectors? Clare Sansom reports.

    • Clare Sansom
    News Feature
  • US funding for biodefense research continues on an upward trend, but some say the effort is misguided. Laura DeFrancesco reports.

    • Laura DeFrancesco
    News Feature
  • Developing countries could exploit traditional medicine to kick-start biotech, but only if their products measure up to the demands of Western regulators. Paroma Basu reports.

    • Paroma Basu
    News Feature
  • Immunomodulator CTLA4-Ig was set to be the miracle drug for organ transplantation a dozen years ago, but then faded from view. Now, with startling results in rheumatoid arthritis, costimulatory blockers are on a comeback. Ken Garber reports.

    • Ken Garber
    News Feature