Seven Days in 2016

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  • Theranos debuts new blood-testing device; Google and GlaxoSmithKline team up on bioelectronics; and United States has first domestic Zika transmissions.

    Seven Days
  • Solar-powered plane completes round-the-world trip; 2016 on track to become hottest year; and Mexico tries to save endangered porpoise.

    Seven Days
  • Turkey purges all university deans after failed coup; engineered mosquitos show apparent success against dengue; and Romania joins CERN.

    Seven Days
  • Dwarf planet discovered beyond Neptune; unprecedented mangrove deaths linked to climate change; and French scientists protest against pick for top agriculture post.

    Seven Days
  • Chemist killed on Mexican university campus; Juno craft reaches Jupiter orbit; and Nobel laureates defend genetically modified organisms.

    Seven Days
  • Ill workers rescued from Antarctic station; controversial surgeon Paolo Macchiarini faces manslaughter charges; and China dominates list of fastest supercomputers.

    Seven Days
  • Daring Antarctic evacuation under way; US medical association declares gun violence a health crisis; and astronomers find Earth in a rocky relationship.

    Seven Days
  • LIGO spots another gravitational wave; increasing light pollution on Earth obscures the Milky Way; and moose develop infectious prion disease in Norway.

    Seven Days
  • Gravitational-wave observatory passes technology test; gunman kills engineering professor in California; and Egypt’s bullied students and professors get international recognition.

    Seven Days
  • Good grades for international nuclear-fusion project; EU ministers lend support to open-access movement; and US study raises doubts about mobile-phone safety.

    Seven Days
  • Pandemic war chest unveiled for developing countries; India launches space shuttle; and US National Football League criticized over health-funding pressure.

    Seven Days