Seven Days in 2014

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  • The week in science: Scripps president resigns; record-breaking drive on Mars; and Poland creates a space agency.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Spacecraft chases duck-shaped comet; Darwin’s library online; and a new journal for workplace fatigue.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Smallpox found in fridge; HIV-rebound dashes hope of ‘cure’; and scandal over faked peer review.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: NASA launches carbon-tracking satellite; European particle accelerators funded; and gloom over Caribbean coral reefs.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Retracted GM study republished; Mars landing gear passes first test; and UK public votes for antibiotics research in Longitude Prize.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Chemist fined over burns death in lab; gravitational-waves team admits dust problems; and West African Ebola outbreak worsens.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Chile axes giant hydroelectric dams; calls to dismantle RIKEN’s centre for developmental biology; and Europe’s medicines agency frees data on drug trials.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Germany quits mega-telescope project; a $4.5-billion proposal for the US BRAIN initiative; and NASA is told to plot a course for Mars.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: US proposes cleaning up power plants; retraction agreed in stem-cell controversy; and new statistics on the global rise in obesity.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Germany announces research windfall; new crater is spotted on Mars; and Pfizer admits defeat in its pursuit of AstraZeneca.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Chinese research agencies announce open-access policies; Russia severs space-science ties with the United States; and the Colorado River flows to the sea for the first time in 20 years.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Britain pledges to be more open about animal research; Stanford University axes coal-company investments; and Vermont passes GM-labelling law.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Polio declared international health emergency; UK considers lifting confidentiality on animal research; and RIKEN panel dogged by further misconduct allegations.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: FDA proposes regulating e-cigarettes; new UK ice-breaker research ship; and aid agencies warn of famine in South Sudan.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: NIH allows reuse of rejected grant ideas; China’s land pollution revealed; and NASA’s LADEE probe crashes into the Moon.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Japan reapproves use of nuclear power, second sighting of an exotic tetraquark, and biotech stocks plunge.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Chile hit by magnitude-8.2 quake; US unveils most accurate atomic clock; and European Parliament votes for clinical-trial transparency.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Court halts Japanese whaling, misconduct found in controversial stem-cell papers, and a surprising rise in autism diagnoses.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Ebola kills dozens in Guinea, the top quark become more precise, and Japan hands over nuclear material.

    Seven Days