University of Calgary (U of C), Canada

Time frame: 1 February 2023 - 31 January 2024


The positions in the table below reflect the University of Calgary (U of C)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where University of Calgary (U of C) is listed.

Position by research output Share

Global Canada
Overall 300 8
Academic 259 8

Position by research output Share in subject areas

Global Canada
Biological sciences 218 5
Chemistry 516 11
Earth & environmental sciences 140 5
Health sciences 104 6
Physical sciences 815 19


Overall research output

Count Share
Overall 258 61.87

Overall Count and Share for 'University of Calgary (U of C)' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above.

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Research outputs by subject area

Subject Count Share
Biological sciences 85 21.92
Chemistry 64 18.42
Earth & environmental sciences 74 22.49
Health sciences 169 30.75
Physical sciences 58 13.25

Note: Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area. Hover over the donut graph to view the Share for each subject.

Share output for the past 5 years

Institution benchmarking

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International vs domestic collaboration by Share

Type Percentage
International (1394 institutions) 66.8%
Domestic (92 institutions) 33.2%

Note: Hover over the graph to view the percentage of collaboration.

Top 5 domestic collaborators with University of Calgary (U of C) by Share

Collaborating institutions


Top 5 international collaborators with University of Calgary (U of C) by Share

Collaborating institutions


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Nature Index 2024 China

China's status at the summit of the Nature Index remains unrivalled as the gap between it and the United States grows. The key question is where Chinese research will go next. As the nation seeks international recognition for its scientific achievements, betting big on large-scale experiments, it is also carving its own path in publishing and partnerships. Time will tell how these strategies will shift the status quo of the global research landscape.

Nature Index 2024 China