Research articles

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  • Reducing direct economic losses from disasters is part of mitigating disaster impacts. This study presents an update to the leading dataset on normalized US hurricane losses in the continental United States from 1900 to 2017.

    • Jessica Weinkle
    • Chris Landsea
    • Roger Pielke Jr
  • 'No net loss’ biodiversity policies seek to offset biodiversity losses caused by economic development. This study assesses the global extent of such biodiversity offsets, finding that they occupy an area much larger than recognized and that most are small and implemented due to regulatory requirements.

    • Joseph William Bull
    • Niels Strange
  • Sustainability depends on the resilience of natural, social and engineered systems. This theoretical study quantifies resilience to repeated disturbances, synthesizing understanding of how the sizes of shocks, or ‘kicks’, and recovery, or ‘flows’, contribute to maintaining systems in desirable states.

    • Katherine Meyer
    • Alanna Hoyer-Leitzel
    • Mary Lou Zeeman
  • Human and animal faeces simultaneously threaten global health and provide resources for recovery. This study presents the first global-scale analysis of recoverable faeces from 2003 projected to 2030 and of associated burdens. Production from domestic animals is about four times that of humans, emphasizing the need for better onsite management.

    • David M. Berendes
    • Patricia J. Yang
    • Joe Brown
  • China’s coal-dominated power system is a source of carbon emissions, local air pollution and water stress. This study presents three power system development scenarios that run until 2030 in China, where coal strategies are optimized under current environmental regulations and varying prices for air pollutant emissions and water.

    • Wei Peng
    • Fabian Wagner
    • Denise L. Mauzerall
  • Biofuels, produced from grass, algae and other organisms alive today, supplement fuels produced through geological processes. This study finds that moderate intensification of prairie perennial plants can optimize benefits of the resultant biofuels, including soil carbon, greenhouse gas benefits and fuel production.

    • Yi Yang
    • David Tilman
    • Jared J. Trost
  • Cryptocurrency mining requires extensive energy consumption for computers to verify the blockchain and generate new currency. This analysis compares several cryptocurrencies and metals in terms of the amount of energy needed to create one US dollar of value, as well as the carbon emissions that may be directly attributable to cryptocurrency mining.

    • Max J. Krause
    • Thabet Tolaymat
  • Provision of electricity in sub-Saharan Africa is often affected by outages leading to increased use of backup diesel generators. In this study, the authors estimate the air emissions, consumer costs and fossil energy consumption resulting from the use of such generators.

    • DeVynne Farquharson
    • Paulina Jaramillo
    • Constantine Samaras
  • The net environmental costs of rare earths production in China, the largest producer, are estimated to be almost US$15 billion. Scenarios show that the largest reduction in environmental impact can be achieved by tackling illegal mining.

    • Jason C. K. Lee
    • Zongguo Wen
  • Village chickens are commonplace among smallholder communities, but mortality is high. This study compares two regions in Ethiopia and finds that unique adaptations, including traits and parasite burdens, reflect distinct gene pools likely shaped by human-driven selection. Results suggest sustainable interventions for village chickens should be locally tailored.

    • Judy M. Bettridge
    • Androniki Psifidi
    • Robert M. Christley
  • Most wildlife lives outside protected areas, creating potential conflicts with humans. This study assesses potential trade-offs between wildlife and livestock management in an East African savanna, finding potential ecological and economic benefits from integrating the two.

    • Felicia Keesing
    • Richard S. Ostfeld
    • Brian F. Allan
  • Machine learning using big data can enhance environmental law monitoring. Applied to the US Clean Water Act, such methods can help public agencies to increase the likelihood of inspecting non-compliant facilities up to sevenfold.

    • M. Hino
    • E. Benami
    • N. Brooks
  • High-yield farming systems have the potential to spare non-farmed land for other uses (such as nature conservation), but raise concerns about their other environmental impacts (such as greenhouse gas emissions and soil erosion). This study argues such impacts should be measured per unit of production and shows that viewed this way, some land-efficient systems have less impact than lower-yielding alternatives.

    • Andrew Balmford
    • Tatsuya Amano
    • Rowan Eisner