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  • An article in Soil & Environmental Health finds ghost forests are distinct from freshwater forested wetlands and salt marshes.

    • Laura Zinke
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Marine Policy assessed the abundance and causes of discarded fishing gear in Kerala, India, to help inform fishing debris management practices.

    • Erin Scott
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Space Weather estimates that an event like the Halloween solar storm of 2003 could cause large economic losses in the aviation sector if it occurred in the present day.

    • Laura Zinke
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science Advances models the noise reduction potential of slowing down marine vessels and how this can mitigate impacts on marine mammals.

    • Laura Zinke
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Climate Change analyzes the operational and economic risks of climate-related disruptions at ports.

    • Laura Zinke
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Geoscience uses nitrogen isotope values as a proxy for the availability of lightning-fixed nitrogen over geological time.

    • Erin Scott
    Research Highlight
  • Articles in PNAS and Nature Communications describe abiotic reactions that could have produced oxygen and methane on early Earth.

    • Laura Zinke
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science Advances uses Si and O isotopes of Earth’s oldest rocks to identify the onset of crustal recycling, with potential implications for the onset of subduction-like tectonics.

    • Erin Scott
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Global Change Biology quantifies the cooling effects from trees across 800 global cities.

    • Graham Simpkins
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews highlights improvements in air quality and resulting reduced mortality across 30 metropolitan areas in the USA with widescale adoption of electric vehicles.

    • Graham Simpkins
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Environmental Research finds that wildfire events in Brazil increased the ambient concentration of air pollutants between 2003–2018, which contributed to air-pollution related deaths.

    • Erin Scott
    Research Highlight
  • An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explores whether changes in the contrast and intensity of artwork could reflect air pollution trends throughout the Industrial Revolution.

    • Hannah Hatcher
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science Advances explores the capacity of protected areas to buffer ecosystems from the effects of climate change.

    • Hannah Hatcher
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reveals that protected areas will continue to include suitable habitat for more than 90% of analysed herpetofauna under climate change scenarios.

    • Graham Simpkins
    Research Highlight