Research articles

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  • A fast and versatile three-dimensional cell-based model, called SimuCell3D, is developed for high-resolution simulations of large and complex biological tissues. SimuCell3D natively integrates intra- and extracellular entities, including extracellular matrix, nuclei and polarized cell surfaces.

    • Steve Runser
    • Roman Vetter
    • Dagmar Iber
    ResourceOpen Access
  • The authors introduce two cellular barcoding tools: CellBarcode, for extracting and filtering diverse DNA barcodes from bulk and single-cell sequencing data; and CellBarcodeSim, for simulating barcoding experiments, thus enabling the investigation of the impact of biological and technical factors on barcode detection.

    • Wenjie Sun
    • Meghan Perkins
    • Anne-Marie Lyne
    ResourceOpen Access